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Creating a new Outlook task

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To create an Outlook task:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click Tasks.

Outlook click tasks1.png

  1. Click New Task.

Outlook new task1.png

  1. In the Subject field, enter a task subject.
  2. From the Start date dropdown list, select the start date for the task.
  3. From the Status dropdown list, select the current status of the task.
  4. From the Due date dropdown list, select the due date for the task.
  5. From the Priority dropdown list, select the task priority.
  6. From the % Complete dropdown list, select or type the task completion percentage to date.
  7. If you would like to set a reminder for yourself, select the Reminder checkbox, and then schedule a reminder time by using the date and time dropdown lists.
  8. If you would like to add more information, type a message in the text body.
  9. Click Save and Close.

Outlook click tasks3.png