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Configuring Whitelists in EasyMail

Your guide to pathway services

Revision as of 13:26, 27 January 2015 by Pathway Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Users are able to add, modify, delete, backup, and restore personal black lists and white lists for individuals.


Viewing your Whitelist

To access your Whitelist:

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. From the Mail dropdown tab, click Filters.

Easymail filters1.png

  1. From the Rule pane, select Whitelist.

Easymail whitelist1.png

Your Whitelist wil be displayed.

Editing your Whitelist

Perform steps 1-3 from the Viewing your Whitelist section before performing the steps below.

Adding entries to your Whitelist

  1.  In the Whitelist addresses field, type the email addresses that you would like to add to the whitelist. (Enter each email address on a separate line).
  2. Click Save.

Easymail whitelist2.png

Notifications will appear after you save your whitelist.

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Removing entries from your Whitelist

  1.  In the Whitelist addresses field, delete the email addresses that you would like to remove from the whitelist.
  2. Click Save.

Notifications will appear after you save your Whitelist.
