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Introduction to Webstatistics

Your guide to pathway services

Revision as of 10:18, 4 February 2014 by Pathway Admin (Talk | contribs)

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Hostpath has the ability to generate web stats for your websites, this functionality is enabled only if you specify a password for the Webstatistics user. This is done for your own security.

To set up Webstatistics:

  1. Click on the Sites tab.
  2. Locate the Websites section.
  3. Select Website.
  4. Select the domain that you would like to track statistics for.
  5. Go to the Statistics tab.
  6. Enter your username in the Webstatistics username field.
  7. Click on Generate Password to generate a strong password for Webstatistics. (You can also enter your own password in the Set Webstatistics password field if you wish)
  8. Select a Webstatistics program, you can choose between Webalizer or Awstats.
  9. Click Save.

Webstats can be accessed at: yourURL.com/stats
