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Viewing your notes and notepads in EasyMail

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To view your notes and notepads  in EasyMail:

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Click the Notes tab.

Webmail new note1.png

You can view your notes or notepads by either selecting  List Notes or by performing a Search,  


List Notes

From the Notes section:

  1. Expand the My Notepads pane.
  2. Select which notepad(s) you would like to view.

Easymail list notes expand notepad.png

  1. Click List Notes.

Easymail list notes1.png

Your notes should appear under My Notes.

  1. Click a note to view its contents


There are two ways to search. Perform one of the following options.

Option 1

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Click the Notes tab.

Webmail new note1.png

From the Notes section:

  1. Click Search.

EasyMail search for note 2.png

  1. In the For field, enter the title or body text of the note.
  2. Specify whether you are searching for a note Title or Body text by selecting the applicable checkbox.
  3. Click Search.

EasyMail search.png

Your search results will now be displayed. 

EasyMail search results.png

  1. From the list of results, click the note that you would like to view.

The note will now be displayed.

Option 2

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Place your cursor over the Notes tab.
  3. Click Search.

EasyMail search for note.png

  1. In the For field, enter the title or body text of the note.
  2. Specify whether you are searching for a note Title or Body text by selecting the applicable checkbox.
  3. Click Search.

EasyMail search.png

Your search results will now be displayed. 

EasyMail search results.png

  1. From the list of results, click the note that you would like to view.

The note will now be displayed.