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Creating an address book in EasyMail

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To add a new address book to you EasyMail account:

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Click the the Address Book tab.

EasyMail address book tab.png

  1. Locate the My Address Books pane, and then click the Add icon (+).

EasyMail create addressbook.png

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the address book.
  2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the address book.
  3. Click Create.

EasyMail create addressbook1.png

URLs will be generated for your address book.

  1. Click Change Permissions.

EasyMail create addressbook2.png

  1. In the Owner field, enter the EasyMail username of the owner of this task list. Task list can be assigned to other users.
  2. Set the permissions for the task list by filling in the applicable fields.
  3. Click Save and Finish.

EasyMail create addressbook3.png

  1. Click Save.

Your address book is now created.