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Viewing your tasks and tasklists in EasyMail

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To view your list of tasks:

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Click the Tasks tab.

Easymail new task1.png

You can view your notes or notepads by either selecting List Tasks or by performing a Search.


List Tasks

From the Tasks section:

  1. Expand the My Task Lists pane.
  2. Select which task list(s) you would like to view.

EasyMail view tasklists.png

  1. Click List Tasks

EasyMail view tasklists2.png

Your tasks should appear under My Tasks. To filter your  tasks by state, select one of the applicable tabs (All tasks, Incomplete tasks, Future tasks, Completed tasks).


There are two ways to search. Perform one of the following options

Option 1

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Click the Tasks tab.

Easymail new task1.png

From the Tasks section:

  1. Click Search.

EasyMail search for task1.png

  1. In the Search Text field, enter the title or body text of the task.
  2. Specify whether you are searching for a task Name or Description by selecting the applicable checkbox.
  3. In the Tagged with field, enter any page tags that the task might have (if applicable). Use semicolons to separate multiple tags.
  4. Specify the state of the task that you are looking for by selecting either All, Completed or Incomplete.
  5. In the Due date fields, enter the due date of the tasks (if applicable). 
  6. (Optional) Select the checkbox if you would like to Save this search as a Smart List.
  7. (Optional) If you selected the checkbox in step 9, enter a name for the smart list in the Smart List Name field.
  8. Click Search.

EasyMail search for task2.png

Your search results will now be displayed. 

EasyMail task search results 1.png

  1. From the list of results, click the task that you would like to view. 
  2. (Optional) To filter your search results by state, select one of the applicable tabs (All tasks, Incomplete tasks, Future tasks, Completed tasks).

EasyMail filter task search results.png

After you click a task from the list of results, the task will display. 

Option 2

  1. Log in to EasyMail.
  2. Place your cursor over the Tasks tab.
  3. Click Search

EasyMail search for task op2.png

  1. In the Search Text field, enter the title or body text of the task.
  2. Specify whether you are searching for a task Name or Description by selecting the applicable checkbox.
  3. In the Tagged with field, enter any page tags that the task might have (if applicable). Use semicolons to separate multiple tags.
  4. Specify the state of the task that you are looking for by selecting either All, Completed or Incomplete.
  5. In the Due date fields, enter the due date of the tasks (if applicable). 
  6. (Optional) Select the checkbox if you would like to Save this search as a Smart List.
  7. (Optional) If you selected the checkbox in step 9, enter a name for the smart list in the Smart List Name field.
  8. Click Search.

EasyMail search for task2.png

Your search results will now be displayed. 

EasyMail task search results 1.png

  1. From the list of results, click the task that you would like to view. 
  2. (Optional) To filter your search results by state, select one of the applicable tabs (All tasks, Incomplete tasks, Future tasks, Completed tasks).

EasyMail filter task search results.png

After you click a task from the list of results, the task will display.