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Viewing your connectivity bandwidth percentile display in OnePath

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The bandwidth percentile display will show your average bandwidth consumption to the 95% percentile. You can display data for the current week, past month, past six months, and past year.

To view your bandwidth percentile display:

  1. Log in to OnePath.
  2. Click the Connectivity app.

OnePath click connectivity1.png

  1. Expand the Bandwidth Percentile Display pane.
  2. From the Select a device for more details dropdown list, select a router or location.

OnePath connectivity view bandwidth percentile usage1.png

Your bandwidth percentile stats will be displayed in a graph.

OnePath connectivity view bandwidth percentile usage2.png

  1. From the History section, click the applicable tab to view your bandwidth percentile for the past week, month, six months, or the entire year to date.