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Enable network address translation in Hyper V

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Network address translation (NAT) allows you to connect directly to the internet through the hosting provider's gateway. To enable NAT:

  1. Click NETWORKS.

Hyper V click networks 1.png

  1. Select the network that you would like to modify.

Hyper V select a network 1.png

  1.  Click CONFIGURE.

Hyper V custom network click configure 1.png

  1. Select the Enable direct internet access using NAT.
NOTE: The gateway, and gateway subnet, will be enabled by default.

Hyper V enable network address translation 1.png

  1. (Optional) If you would like to route traffic to other networks over a site-to-site VPN connection, select the Enable BGP for automatic address space checkbox.
    1. Enter the ASN in the AUTONOMOUS SYSTEM NUMBER (ASN) field.
    2. Enter the IP that you like to use for the VPN connection in the IP field.
    3. Enter the ASN of the IP address in the ASN field.

Hyper V border gateway protocol 1.png 

  1. Click SAVE.