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Setting up an MX Record with Hostpath

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To create an MX record:

  1. Click on the DNS tab.
  2. Locate DNS.
  3. Select Zones.

Hostpath click DNS Zones1.png

  1. From the DNS-Zone page, select an active DNS zone from the list.

Hostpath click DNS Zones2.png

  1. Click on the Records tab.

Hostpath DNS Zone records1.png

  1. Click MX.

DNS MX highlight.png

When you arrive at the DNS mx page:

  1. In the Hostname field, enter the hostname of the device.
  2. In the Mailserver hostname field, enter the mailserver hostname. (All emails @hostname will be routed to this mailserver hostname.)
  3. In the Priority field, set the priority number for the mailserver. (A lower number means higher priority.)
  4. In the TTL field, adjust the TTL value of the zone. (In seconds.)
  5. Select the Active checkbox to activate the MX record. To deactivate the MX record unselect the checkbox.
  6. Click Save.

DNS MX screen.png