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Editing a MyExchange mailbox

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Administrators are able to edit MyExchange mailboxes for users.

To edit a mailbox:

From the Exchange Enabled Organizations page:

(Click here for instructions on how to get to this page)

  1. Select an organization from the list.
  2. Click Mailboxes.

Add mailbox exchange.png

  1. Fom the list of mailboxes, select the mailbox that you would like to edit.
  2. Click Edit Mailbox.

Edit mailbox exchange.png


General Properties tab

The General Properties tab allows administrators to make changes to the mailbox user's general profile.

  1. Make changes where necessary. When you are done making changes, click Update Mailbox.

Edit mailbox general profile exchange.PNG

Advanced Properties tab

The Advanced Properties tab allows administrators to modify mail protocol, storage quota, and deleted item retention settings.

  1. Make changes where necessary. When you are done making changes, click Update Mailbox.

Edit mailbox advanced properties exchange.PNG

Email Addresses tab

The Email Addresses tab allows administrators to add (or remove) additional email addresses to the selected mailbox.

  1. f you would like to add an email address to the selected mailbox, click Add Email Address.

If you would like to change the default email address for the selected mailbox, click Set As 'Primary'.

  1. If you would like to remove an email address from the selected mailbox, click Remove.

Edit mailbox email addresses.png

Membership tab

The Membership tab allows administrators to modify which distribution lists the selected mailbox is included in.

Edit mailbox membership.PNG

Send On Behalf tab

The Send On Behalf tab allows administrators to modify which users can send on behalf of the selected mailbox.

  1. Select a user or users to send on behalf of the selected mailbox.
  2. Click Update Mailbox.

Edit mailbox send on behalf.PNG

Change Password tab

The Change Password tab allows administrators to change a user's mailbox password.

Click Change Password after making changes.

Edit mailbox change password.png