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Add a webjob in Hyper V

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A webjob is a web app that allows you to run continuous scripts and jobs. To add a webjob:

  1. Click WEB SITES.
Hyper V click websites 1.png

  1. Select the website that you would like to modify. 

Hyper V view created websites 1.png

  1. Click WEBJOBS.

 Hyper V click webjobs 1.png

  1. Click ADD.

Hyper V click add 2.png

  1. Enter a name for the webjob in the NAME field.
  2. Upload your zip file of the files you need to run the job to the CONTENT field.
  3. Select how you would like the job to run from the HOW TO RUN dropdown list.
  4. Click the checkmark.

Hyper V enter webjob settings 1.png