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Adding a new Catalog

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A catalog allows you to share vApp templates and media with other users in your organization. You can also have a private catalog for vApp templates and media that you frequently use.

To add a new catalog:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Click on the Catalogs tab.
  3. Click My Organization's Catalogs (you should be brought here by default).
  4. Click on the Catalogs tab.
  5. Click on the green + (Add) icon.

Add new catalog plus icon.PNG

When you arrive at the Name this Catalog page:

  1. In the Name field, create a name for the catalog.
  2. (Optional) In the Description field, create a brief description for the catalog.

Name this catalog1.PNG

Steps 8-11 are optional and require access to external catalogs.

  1. To access a read-only copy of an externally published catalog, select the Subscribe to an external catalog checkbox.
  2. In the Subscription URL field, enter the URL for the external catalog.
  3. In the Password field, enter a password for the catalog.
  4. Select the Automatically download the content from external catalog checkbox to enable an automatic download.
  5. Click Next.

From the Select Storage Type page:

  1. Select one of the storage type options:

             a) select the circle beside Use any storage available in the organization.


             b) select the circle beside Pre-provision on specific storage policy, and then select a storage policy from the dropdown list.

  1. Click Next.

Catalog storage type1.PNG

  1. When you arrive at the Share this catalog page you will have to choose who you want to share the catalog with:

If you selected Add Members, proceed to the next step, and then skip steps 18-21.

If you selected Add Organizations, continue at step 18.

  1. Click Add Members...
  2. Select who you would like to share the catalog with.

If you would like to share the catalog with everyone in the organization:

              a) select the circle beside Everyone in the organization.

              b) make a selection from the Access level dropdown list.

              c) click OK.

If you would like to share the catalog with specific users and groups:

             a) select the circle beside Specific users and groups.

             b) select users from the list. To select more than one user hold the Ctrl key and click on each user that you would like to include.

             c) click Add.

             d) make a selection from the Access level dropdown list.

             e) click OK.

Share with users and groups2.PNG

  1. Click Add Organizations...
  2. Select the organizations that you would like share the catalog with.
  3. Make a selection from the Access level dropdown list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Next.

Share with organizations1.PNG

The Publish Settings page is optional. If you would like to skip it, click Next to proceed to the Ready to Complete page, and then click Finish (or click Back if you wish to make changes).

  1. Select the Enable Publishing checkbox to create a subscription URL for the catalog.
  2. In the Password field, enter a password for the catalog.
  3. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password that you created in the previous step.
  4. Select the Preserve identity information checkbox if you want to include BIOS UUIDs and MAC addresses in the downloaded OVF package.(This limits portability of the package and should only be used when necessary.)
  5. Click Next.
  6. Review the Ready to Complete page.
  7. Click Finish.