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Create a virtual machine from a template in Hyper V

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To create a virtual machine using a pre-configured template:

Hyper V click virtual machine 1.png

  1. Click +NEW.
Hyper V click new 1.png

  1. Select STANDALONE VIRTUAL MACHINE to create a basic virtual machine.
  2. Click FROM GALLERY.

Hyper V create a virtual machine from gallery 1.png

  1. Click TEMPLATES.
  2. Select a template.
  3. Click the arrow to continue.
Hyper V virtual machine configuration 1.png

  1. Enter a name for the virtual machine in the NAME field.
  2. Enter and confirm a password in the password fields.
  3. Leave the PRODUCT KEY field blank.
  4. Click the arrow to continue. 
Hyper V provide virtual machine settings 1.png

  1. Select a network from the NETWORK ADAPTER 1 dropdown list.
  2. Click the checkmark.

Hyper V provide virtual machine hardware info 1.png

Your virtual machine will be created.