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Editing a distribution list email address

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After creating a distribution list, administrators can edit the email address (or addresses) that the distribution list will be associated with.

To edit email addresses:

From the Exchange Enabled Organizations page:

(Click here for instructions on how to get to this page)

  1. Select an organization from the list.
  2. Click Distribution Lists.

Add distribution list exchange.png

  1. Select a distribution list.
  2. Click Edit Email Addresses.
  3. Click Add Email Address.
  4. In the Email Address field, enter a new email address that you would like the distribution list to be associated with.

Editing distribution list email addresses.png

Change the primary email address for the distribution list

If you have more than one email address associated with a distribution list, you can select a primary email address.

  1. From the Edit Email Addresses page, locate an email address and then click Set As Primary.

Distribution list set primary email address.png

Remove an email address

To disassociate an email address from a distribution list:

  1. From the Edit Email Addresses page, click Remove.
  2. When prompted, click OK.

Distribution list remove email address prompt.png