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Link a new resource to your website in Hyper V

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Databases can be linked to your website. To link a resource to your website:

  1. Click WEB SITES.

Hyper V click websites 1.png

  1. Select the website that you would like to link a resource to. 

Hyper V view created websites 1.png


Hyper V click linked resources 1.png 

  1. Click LINK.

 Hyper V click to link resources 1.png

  1. Click Create a new resource.
Hyper V create a new resource to add to application 1.png

  1. Click either SQL Database or MySQL Database.
Hyper V create a new resource to add to application 2.png

  1. Enter a database name in the NAME field.
  2. Select a database edition from the Edition dropdown list.
  3. Click the arrow to continue.

Hyper V link a new database 1.png

  1. Enter a username in the ADMIN NAME field.
  2. Enter and confirm your password in the password fields.
  3. Click the checkmark.

Hyper V link a new database 2.png 

The resource will be added to the linked resources list

Hyper V linked resources list 1.png