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Scheduling a meeting using Outlook

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User can schedule meetings using Outlook.

To schedule a meeting:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click Calendar.

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  1. Click New Meeting.

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  1. In the To... field, enter the email address of an attendee, use a semi-colon to enter more than one email address.
  2. In the Subject field, enter the meeting subject.
  3. In the Location field, enter the meeting location.
  4. Use the dropdown lists to select the meeting Start time, and End time.
  5. Enter text in the message body.

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  1. Click Scheduling Assistant.

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  1. Navigate through the scheduling calendar to see if there are any conflicts. If any conflicts arise you can modify the start time and end time of the meeting.

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  1. Click Appointment.
  2. Review the meeting details.
  3. Click Send.

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