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Uploading a vApp template

Your guide to pathway services

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A vApp is a cloud computer system that contains one or more pre-configured virtual machines(VMs). vApps are used to stack multiple VMs so they can run as an application and provide support to cloud architectures.

To upload a vApp template:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Click on the Catalogs tab.
  3. Select My Organization's Catalogs (you should be brought here by default).
  4. Click the vApp Templates tab.

Uploading a vApp template1.PNG

When you arrive at the Upload OVF package as a vApp Template:

You will need to Download the Client Integration Plug-in to enable OVF upload and download functionality.

  1. Click Download the Client Integration Plug-in.
  2. Click Save File.
  3. Locate and open the saved file.
  4. Install the plug-in.
  5. Return to the vApp Templates tab.
  6. Click the upload icon (see image below).

Upload icon1.png

When the Client Access Integration Control prompt appears you will only have 10 seconds to make a decision.

  1. Click Allow.

Client integration access control1.png

When you arrive at the Upload OVF package as a vApp Template window:

  1. Select an OVF package source option:

             a) in the URL field, create a URL for vApp template.


             b) click Browse, and then upload a local file from your desktop.

  1. In the Name field, enter the destination for the vApp template.
  2. In the Description field, create a description for the vApp template.
  3. From the Catalog dropdown list, select an existing catalog to associate the vApp template with.
  4. Click Upload.

Upload OVF package as vApp template.PNG