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Sharing multiple files

Your guide to pathway services

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Before you can share multiple files, you must create a new folder for the files that you wish to share. (For detailed information refer to the Creating a folder and Adding file to a folder pages.)

To share your folder:

  1. Locate the folder that you would like to share.
  2. Right-click the folder, and then click Share. (Or click the Share tab).
  3. Select an option from the Share Folder pop-up window.
  4. Click the blue arrow.

Share folder.png

If you select New workspace:

  1. In the Workspace Label field, create a label for the new workspace.
  2. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the folder contents.
  3. In Existing or new user field, select an existing user or create a new one and set their Read and Write access.
  4. Click the checkmark.

Share folder storig1.png

The shared folder will appear in the user's account as a new worksplace.

New Workspace - Documents.png

If you select Public Minisite:

  1. In the Workspace label field, create a label for the folder.
  2. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the folder contents.
  3. Set the user permissions for the minisite by selecting the applicable checkboxes.
  4. Click Generate. (This creates a weblink for the minisite.)
  1. To share the download link select one of the following:              

              a) Click the QR code icon and have the user scan the qr code.

              b) Click the invite icon to email the link and password.

  1. Click the checkmark.


Share folder public minisite.png

The new folder will appear at a new public address as a simple file list.

If you select Private Minisite:

  1. In the  Workspace Label field, create a label for the new minisite.
  2. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the folder contents.
  3. In Existing or new user field, select an existing user or create a new one and set their Read and Write access.
  4. Click Generate. (This creates a weblink for the minisite.)
  1. To share the download link select one of the following:              

              a) Click the QR code icon and have the user scan the qr code.

              b) Click the invite icon to email the link and password.

  1. Click the checkmark.

Share folder private minisite.png

The new folder will appear at a new address as a simple file list, but with user identification required.